Monday, March 9, 2015

Social Trading Progress - Week 1 Of March 2015 (month to date)

I mentioned on my previous social trading progress post that the stats reporting on Etoro has changed a bit.  Instead of reporting on a weekly basis, Etoro now show one's progress on a month to date basis.

It's not a train smash at all and will save us from having to add the weekly revenues to get an overall monthly picture.

As you can see, the first week of March was very promising.  I like it when a month opens on a positive note.  It is a well known fact in investment circles that past performances do not guarantee future results, however they do help gauge the type of trader you are following as well as his trading style.

5.3% is quite a huge return and I'm taking it!

The whole point of this exercise is to illustrate that social trading does work if you select the right traders to follow (I must admit though that the broker has done a great of work to ensure that the bad apples are out of this bag).

Overall, I am still happy with my Investor A..and today I have added Investor B in the mix.  She is someone I've been demo testing and following for a while now, less of  a risk taker than Investor A.  This diversification is key when social trading the forex markets (or any other markets for that matter).

Looking forward to the rest of the week!!!

PS: If you want to start demo testing the master traders, you can start today for free.  Open your free account here.

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